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Why the lion is the king of the jungle: When the lion sees an elephant, he thinks about lunch. Because of that, he has never punched a clock for anyone. He was always looking for entrepreneurial opportunities to make money. Dee, from his childhood, always had the mindset that he wanted to be successful. Currently, the foundation is partnering with The P3 Group to develop student housing and student unions on HBCU campuses. Dee tells of some of the work the foundation does. The non-profit foundation at The P3 Group has been organized as a 501(c)(3) for two years.

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They run a math and reading academy for K‒3 through their non-profit organization. Dee and his team try to be good examples of what you can do if you put your mind to it and make good, sound decisions. The P3 Group has donated money to community colleges for scholarship programs. Dee goes into a community and provides services that bring hope and that inspire. In the community where Dee was raised, there is still a lot of need and hopelessness. He beat the odds to get where he is at The P3 Group. Dee grew up in a very impoverished community in the Mississippi Delta. These projects are transformational in the landscape of a community. Dee tells what it means to him to be the largest minority-owned developer in the P3 space and the duty he feels to the communities he serves. Why does The P3 Group concentrate its work in under-served communities? The P3 Group has about $1 billion worth of projects in planning or in process in its pipeline. Any type of government organization may use its services. Many of the projects The P3 Group executes, such as fire stations, municipal courthouses, public safety complexes, and more, are in under-served communities.

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After working on infrastructure construction projects, Dee began to apply his new knowledge of Public-Private Partnerships to real estate development. As his business grew, he started doing work for federal agencies. When the 2008 recession hit, he moved into highway, street, and bridge construction by acquiring a construction company. Dee shares how he migrated from traditional real estate and real estate development to the P3 world. Dee has a goal to pass the business along to his son and future generations. Dee’s son has recently been promoted to President of Client Services. The team at The P3 Group has expertise in business development, business operations, administration, client services, and client relationships. Dee describes the several risk mitigation tools The P3 Group uses to mitigate their risks as developers. The P3 Group provides all the expertise and carries the risk. Dee talks about the goals of a Public-Private Partnership agreement. Dee explains the meaning of a Public-Private Partnership between a private-sector company and a unit of government. Dee sometimes has to educate agencies and leaders of organizations that The P3 Group’s model and execution strategy is a superior delivery method. There are a variety of reasons a person might object.

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Dee describes his response to hearing “No.” He tries to understand the reason behind the “No,” to determine how to move forward. In business, almost all the time, the first answer is “No,” so Dee has always found a way to overcome objections and push forward to get to the goal. Dee used his “stick-to-it-ness” to move past some challenges and technical difficulties that might have prevented today’s episode from being recorded. He is also the host of The Sky’s the Limit podcast, produced by Forbes Books. Dee has nearly 30 years of experience in real estate sales, development, construction, and management. The P3 Group is the nation’s largest minority-owned real estate developer that focuses exclusively on Public-Private Partnerships. Patricia O’Connell introduces Dee Brown, President and CEO of The P3 Group. Listen in to learn more about entrepreneurship in under-served communities in the P3 space with Dee Brown. because he always wants to do better at the work he loves. Dee is always learning, always growing, and always getting up at 3:30 a.m. He shares his early history and the duty he feels toward the communities he serves. Dee talks about his career in real estate, infrastructure development, and P3 real estate development. Patricia O’Connell interviews Dee Brown, President and CEO of The P3 Group about what a Public-Private Partnership (P3) is, and what impact P3 development projects have on under-served communities.

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